Getting started

Start with this short guide to help you get started using Creative Library to manage your creatives and make use of Luna's powerful features

Written by Niall Jones
Updated over a week ago

This guide is the best starting point for those using Creative Library for the first time, we will cover the following topics:

  • Overview of key concepts that will help you understand how the Creative Library works and how you should use it

  • Walkthrough of the set up process

  • Next steps

Key Concepts

Organization Structure

Creatives in the Creative Library are organized into apps and concepts which attempts to reflect how ad creatives are created and used in practice. Creatives are almost always specific to a single mobile app and can usually be grouped into concepts that represent a core creative idea.

  • App: Represents a single title across multiple or just a single app store(s) and is the highest level in the Creative Library. Before you can create concepts or upload creatives you must first create an App. During creation, you can specify Apple App Store and Google Play Store URLs and we will fetch your app's icon, title and genre automatically for display in the Creative Library

  • Concept: A group of multiple creatives. It is helpful to be able to group multiple creatives into a single set based on some core characteristic, usually referred to by UA teams as a concept. In Creative Library, every cre ative is part of a Concept and these Concepts are all part of an app.

  • Creative: This is the lowest-level in the Creative Library, each creative is effectively a file (Interactive Ad, Video or Image) with it's own Creative ID, tags and metadata.

Visual example of Creative Library's hierarchy


In the Creative Library, an individual ad creative is simply referred to as a Creative and represents a single file (or version of an interactive ad). It's important to note that a single Creative in our platform can be published to multiple ad networks that will each store that file as a creative in their own system with its own ID - they're still all connected to a single Creative in the Creative Library.

We use our Creative ID to sync Creatives in our platform with the creative assets in other platforms that are created when you upload a Creative to the various ad networks.

Creatives in the Creative Library have the following attributes that are either set automatically by the system or can be defined by you and your team (see bold):

  • Name

  • Status

  • Tags (For storing creative characteristics, e.g. background colour, character, CTA)

  • Type (Interactive, Video, Image)

  • Creative ID

  • Creator

Setting up Creative Library

If you already have a Luna account then your company will already have access to the Creative Library so you can start adding apps, concepts and creatives immediately without any prior setup.

For users just starting to use the Creative Library for the first time, we reccomend following these steps to get your first creative into the library and start leveraging the features availiable to you:

Step 1: Create an app

Whilst logged into Luna, navigate to the Creative Library using the sidebar (1). What you'll see first is the Apps page (2), which lists all of the Apps in your Creative Library - you will likely already have at least a sample app here.

Next, to add a new App press the + New App button (3) and you will see a modal appear where you can specify one or both of your app's store URLs, or if the app is not yet released, you can press I don't have an app URL to enter your app's details manually.

Once you've either entered a valid app store URL or selected the missing URL option, you'll now be able to check, change or enter your app's details. If you entered a valid app store URL, we fetch these automatically from the app store for you however you are free to change these values. At minimum, you must specify a name during this step.

You can also limit visibility of this app and all concepts/creatives associated with it to certain users within your company using the Users dropdown.

Once you're finished, press Create App and you'll now see your app appear in the Apps page.

Step 2: Add concepts and creatives

When you add an App to the Creative Library, it will be empty and you will need to add Concepts and Creatives by uploading them or creating them using Luna's Create tools like Interactive Templates and Playable.

To to this, first navigate to your App by clicking its name in the Apps page of the Creative Library. You will then see a list of all concepts associated with this app (1), for a new app there will be none. You can add your first concept and creative by clicking the + Creative button (2).

Once you press this button, you will see this popup appear:

Important note: Currently, you can only add a new Concept if you create or upload a creative at the same time. When you do this, you will be asked to name your concept and it will be added along with your first creative inside of it.

First, either select one of the Create tools (e.g. Interactive Templates) to create a new Creative in Luna or upload a supported file by dragging and dropping into the box or browsing. Once you've done this, you'll be prompted to name your concept and the creative will use the name of the file uploaded.

Next, press Continue and your new concept and creative will be added to the Creative Library under your App!

You can now easily add additional Creatives within this Concept by pressing the + button on the Concept page.

Next Steps

Congratulations, you've added your first creative to the Creative library! Now you can start unlocking some of the powerful features within the platform, such as:

  • Bulk uploading creatives directly to ad networks from Creative Library

  • Adding tags to your concepts and creatives

  • Using the Creative Status field to manage your workflow

  • Sharing creative preview links with teammates

  • Tracking which creatives are live and on which networks

Check out the other pages in the Creative Library section of this help center for more information on how to perform the actions listed above.

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