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3 Steps to Avoid Ad Fatigue

Avoid ad fatigue to increase the performance of your campaigns

Written by Alexey Makeev
Updated over a week ago

Skip the Ad Fatigue

Ad fatigue happens when users are exposed to too many ads in a short period of time, and when they see the same ads too often.

With the repeated exposure, users start to ignore the ads, and it can lead to decreased performance and an overall decrease in your campaigns performance.

The best way to protect your campaign from ad fatigue is to have a proactive approach to it. In this article, we’ll provide you the steps to take to avoid ad fatigue.

How to Avoid Ad Fatigue

Follow some simple best practices that can safeguard your campaign from ad fatigue:

#1 Rotate your Creative Assets

Create several different variations of your creative assets to rotate during the time your campaign is running. Personalise your ads to target different audiences with variations of your:

  • Colour/background

  • Visuals/ Graphics and videos

  • Copy

  • Call to action (CTA).

This will help keep your users engaged and allow you to make optimisations based on top performing creatives.

#2 Set Adequate Frequency Cap

One of the main indicators of ad fatigue is the frequency in which users are shown an ad. A simple solution for this is to leverage frequency caps in your campaigns. This is a programmatic feature that enables you to control the number of times a unique user is exposed to the ad.

#3 Monitor and Optimize your campaign

The best way to make sure your campaigns don’t suffer from ad fatigue is to monitor their performance and make adjustments when needed. The key performance metrics to monitor include CTR and cost per action metrics. Monitoring these will allow you to optimize your campaigns on the fly.

Although ad fatigue can’t be completely avoided, it’s important to know the signs and take proactive steps to minimize its effect on your campaigns. Check your campaign performance regularly and take the necessary steps to ensure your campaigns are running as efficiently as possible.

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