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Tap To Loop or Play
Written by Alexey Makeev
Updated over a week ago

Tap to Loop or Play

The Tap to Loop or Play template allows you to set up to 4 pauses that you can loop or pause with your interaction hint.

When to use it?​

This template can allow for a longer experience and can easily be used for both playable ads and interactive end cards (IECs). It’s a great template if your piece of gameplay has several key moments, that can be paused and/or looped.

How to use it?

Required assets​

The following are the required assets in order to make this template a success.

  • Background video or image

  • Hint image

  • End card icon

Configurable Fields​

This template includes a selection of general configurable fields which are all detailed here.

The specific fields which are provided with the Tap To Loop or Play template are listed below.

Asset Overlay​





Image file (.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, etc.)

The animated or static image that will overlay your video during the playable experience.

Hide Assets after step

-Don't hide: The asset will remain visible.
-Hide after "X" steps: The asset will not appear again after X pauses.

Choose when the asset should be hidden. You can hide it after a certain number of steps or just don't hide it.

Asset visibility

-Only appear with hints: The asset will only appear when hints are shown.
-Only appear before hints: The asset will only appear before hints are shown.
-Always on: The asset always be visible.

Choose when the asset should appear during the playable experience.

Size (default and landscape)

Float value (Number value that allows decimals, negative values will default the value used back to 15)

This determines the size of the image, the higher the value the larger the image will be. The scale is done in rem, so 1 will roughly equal 5% of the viewport's size.

Horizontal Offset (default and landscape)

Slider (Which changes a float value)

Moves the fake UI image along the x axis (horizontally).

Vertical Offset (default and landscape)

Slider (Which changes a float value)

Moves the fake UI image along the y axis (vertically).





Pause Count

1, 2, 3, or 4 pauses

How many pauses there are in your playable experience.

X Pause At, Sec


When to pause the video in seconds.

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