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Uncover Object
Written by Alexey Makeev
Updated over a week ago

The Uncover Object template is a JPEG/APNG based template, which requires no video for its background. It offers up to three items which you can uncover with an image, in order to expose what is hiding in the background image,

When to use it?​

This template can be used for almost any length of experience to create both playable ads and interactive end cards (IECs). It’s a great template if you want to create an experience where the user needs to uncover a gift or bonus image.

Required assets​

The following are the required assets in order to make this template a success.

  • Background image

  • Covering and revealing elements

  • Hint image

  • End card icon

Configurable Fields​

This template includes a selection of general configurable fields which are all detailed below:

Static Content ​




Object count

Dropdown (from 1 to 3)

Set how many elements you want in your experience.

Taps to End Card

Dropdown (from 1 to 3)

Set how many taps the user must do for the result screen to appear.


Image file (.png, .jpg, .jpeg, etc.)

This image will stay the same in both portrait and landscape, meaning that is locked in both positions and you do not need to create

Image Fit/Fill (Default and Landscape)

-Fit (0): The image will maintain its aspect ratio and scale to fit in 100% of the smallest dimension (width or height) depending on the resolution.
-Fill (1): The image will maintain its aspect ratio and scale to fit in 100% of both the width height of any resolution.

The image fit/fill control range from 0-1. You can change your value between 0 and 1 to find the best fit for your game. We recommend using this feature in conjunction with the video anchor settings.

Background Image (Default and Landscape)

Image file (.png, .jpg, .jpeg, etc.)

The image option allows you to fill these areas with a specific image background, specifically for portrait and landscape





Object Image

Image file (.png, .jpg, .jpeg, etc.)

The button image will appear as the first image in the interaction. Once it is clicked, the result image will appear

Object Size (Default and Landscape)

Float value (Number value that allows decimals, negative values will default the value used back to 15)

This determines the size of the button, the higher the value the larger the image will be. The scale is done in rem, so 1 will roughly equal 5% of the viewport's size.

Object Horizontal Offset

Slider (Which changes a float value)

Moves the result along the x-axis (horizontally).

Object Vertical Offset

Slider (Which changes a float value)

Moves the result along the y-axis (vertically).

Tap Hint





Image file (.png, .jpg, .jpeg, etc.)

The image will appear as the result screen.

Size (Default and Landscape)

A float value (Number value that allows decimals, a negative value will default back to 0)

The size of the result screen image in rem (1 rem roughly equals 5% of the viewport's size).

Horizontal Offset (Default and Landscape)

Slider (Which changes a float value)

Moves the result along the x-axis (horizontally).

Vertical Offset (Default and Landscape)

Slider (Which changes a float value)

Moves the result along the y-axis (vertically).






String (Letters, Numbers and Symbols)

The text to use in the banner. Leave this blank if you don't wish to use the banner.

Text Color

Click on the color bar to open the color context menu and begin choosing a color.

The color of the banner text.

Font Size (Default and Landscape)

A float value (Number value that allows decimals, negative values will default the value used back to 1)

The size of the banner text, the larger the value entered the larger the text will be.

Vertical Offset

Slider (Which changes a float value)

The position of the banner vertically, from the top (0) to the bottom (1) of the device.

Background Color

Click on the color bar to open the color context menu and begin choosing a color.

The background color of the banner.

Click Goes to App Store

On or Off

If the customer clicks on the banner text, they will be sent to the app store if On is selected

End Card





Image file (.png, .jpg, .jpeg, etc.)

The icon is shown in the end card, if nothing is chosen the device App Store icon will be displayed.


String (Letters, Numbers and Symbols)

The description text is displayed under the icon and above the CTA button.

Call to Action

String (Letters, Numbers and Symbols)

The call to action text (i.e. the button text).

Button Image

Image file (.png, .jpg, .jpeg, etc.)

The button image is shown in the end card, if nothing is chosen, the default button will show

Background Image (default and landscape)

Image file (.png, .jpg, .jpeg, etc.)

You may upload a custom image to use for the end card. As stated previously, if your image includes text already on it be sure to make the End Card text color to be transparent.

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